Let me take you on a journey of discovery with REAL self care…
A Taste of Freedom
Your home practice is not about the ‘shoulds’.
It is not about following the rules. It is not about adhering to the ‘right’ sequence. It is not ticking the home practice box each day.
Your time on the mat is about connecting with you. It is giving yourself your undivided attention so you can realise the quiet revolutionary within.
A Mantra for Healing
Discover the Mahā Mṛtyuñjaya Mantra to cleanse the subtle energy body, and to generate love and healing in the face of fear and discord.
Turn Up Your Radiance
As I navigate this adventure with ‘Simple Sacred Everyday’, I am beginning to realise that this is, and will continue to be, a personal journey of shedding and renewal. By regularly turning my attention inwards through my home practice, I tap into a very reliable and loving guiding light that helps me move forward through unknown territory in a balanced and steady way.
These Times are Changing Me.
These times are changing me and it’s shaking my ground.
This journal post includes a 15 minute Slow Flow yoga video to help you get back on your home practice mat.
There is a Fork in the Road: Which Way Do I Go?
There is a fork in the road and I am unsure which path to take. Do I follow what makes sense or I do make a bid for true freedom? This journal post includes a short practice to clear the head and strengthen the heart.
Self Assured and Steady: A Meditation
I have noticed a few of my nearest and dearest struggling a little mentally and emotionally of late. I am not sure whether it is a hangover from an enormously challenging 2020 or having to adjust to a new COVID normal or attempting to be ‘COVID fine’, but there definitely is an energy around us at the moment that is pushing our buttons.
Am I Brave Enough?
Am I brave enough?
I am ready to live my life in a way that is true for me.
But it’s such a hard thing to do. It is uncomfortable and uncertain.
It means questioning all of my familiar ways that fit in so beautifully with how I believe others see and expect from me. This takes a bravery I have never had to access before.
A Simple and Heartfelt 'Thank You' 🙏
It has been truly humbling to facilitate this precious Simple Sacred Everyday community, particularly during a year of such change and upheaval. You have helped me find steady ground again and again, so from the bottom of my heart, ‘thank you’. You are an inspiration!
Short & Simple: A humble practice for busy times
Use this humble practice when there is simply no time to practice - it is all about finding simple ways of bringing presence and sacredness into our day, in any way we can.
Song of the Sun: Mantra & Sound in your Home Practice
Want to introduce mantra and sound to your home practice? Learn the famous Vedic mantra, the Gayatri Mantra.
Let Yourself 'Be': Cultivating Balance in your Everyday
Take a seat my friend. It’s time to get quiet. Let’s explore how we can cultivate more balance in our day.
It All Begins with You: Daily Affirmations to Clarify and Inspire
These times we find ourselves in are asking us to dig deep and find a new way of living and relating, and it all begins with you!
What is the Quiet Revolution?
The quiet revolution begins with you my friend. Let me explain to you how.
Soften your Grip and Open to Infinite Possibility
Want to experience what is possible when you allow yourself to open to infinite possibility?
Join Sharon for a complete 20 minute yoga and meditation practice exploring the quality of ‘Akasha’ or Space - one of the five great elements described in Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga.
Communicate Calm to your Nervous System during Uncertain Times.
Feeling overwhelmed and anxious during COVID19 lockdown?
Let Sharon explain how you can communicate calm to your nervous system during uncertain times.
Reconnect with your natural rhythm this winter.
Reconnect with your natural rhythm this winter season. It’s time for rest, replenishment and contemplation.
Inspire your home practice during this introspective time of year with video practices created by Sharon just for you!
Create the motivation for your home practice (especially when you don't feel like it!)
Setting an intention for your home practice can create a powerful motivation for you to show up for your home practice.
My five easy tips to get your home movement practice started today!
Want to begin a home movement practice but don’t know where to start? Here are my 5 easy tips and a short video practice to get you started today!
Home vs Studio practice: do I need to choose between the two?
Do i have to choose between my home practice and practicing in a studio?
The 'Simple Sacred Everyday' story
The story behind Simple Sacred Everyday and how a home yoga-inspired practice can help you!