I’m Sharon Spencer
Beautiful woman, I want you to know you are deserving of your own love, care and attention.
I want you to know what it feels like to experience ease in your body, truth in your words, confidence in who you are and belief in your unique abilities.
No one or no thing can give you what you need like you can.
The moment you choose to take care of you first, you reclaim your worth, your self-belief and your power.
Just like a flower needs watering, so do you.
It is my mission to guide women, just like you, back to your true, authentic and feminine self by cultivating the mindset and motivation to take REAL care of yourself and reclaim the true YOU through meaningful, sustainable and sacred self care.

My Story
I had no idea when I first scrambled down to the back of the garden as a young mum to try and find some sanity in my crazy days and sleepless nights, that this simple act of ‘care’ for myself would have such a transformative effect upon me and my life.
The learnings I have received from my self-care practice have been life-changing, and even now, 20 years down the track, I continue to reap so many rewards from devoting regular time to care for me.
I must admit my practice ebbed and flowed over the years, with long pauses along the way. But it wasn’t until I REALLY committed to taking time every day to give myself the care and attention I needed, and created a daily routine that worked for me and my lifestyle, that the effects of the practice began to be really felt in me and my life in so many amazing ways.
I have learnt BIG TIME by consciously ‘being’ with myself every day and holding my heart when life gets challenging has gradually cultivated the courage, fortitude, self belief and compassion for myself to begin to make choices in my life that honour ME, choices that actually care for me, who I am and what is important to me.
Just like so many other women, much of my life has been about putting the needs of others first, seeking the approval and making choices that won’t upset others, and fitting in so I don’t rock the boat. But my self-care practice has begun to untangle me from those beliefs and allowed me to taste a life that is authentic, purposeful, and a reflection of who I really am … living a life that I was always meant to live (and love!)
I now share my passion for self-care through somatic yoga, meditation, mantra and intuitive energetics with women of all ages and walks of life in private sessions, online, in-studio, and in corporate and educational settings.
My self-care practice continues to be an extraordinary support as I navigate the roller-coaster of life. It has shown me how to cultivate balance, self-compassion, creativity, and the courage to be my authentic feminine self, and has empowered me to take care of me without feeling guilty or selfish!
I am here to share with you what I have learnt on my self-care journey and to share with you transformative tools and strategies so joy, contentment and calm are an inherent part of your every day too!
‘Take loving care of yourself first my friend, and I assure you life will take care of the rest.’
~ Sharon Spencer
My Qualifications
Following 30 years of dance training and teaching, I completed my yoga teacher training with the Australian Yoga Academy in 2009.
I have since completed over 1000 hours of studies with a number of spiritual, energy & yoga masters including:
Dr Niikee Schoendorfer
(Intuitive Energetics Practitioner Training - ongoing)
Tracee Stanley (Tantric Meditation)
Acharya Shunya (Vedic Mythology)
Sarah Powers (Insight Yin/ Yang Yoga)
Donna Farhi (Restorative Yoga)
Lisa Petersen (Somatic Movement)
Anandra George, Sudhanshu Sharma, Janet Stone
& Mei Lai Swan (Yoga of Sound and Mantra)
Sally Hutchison (Sound Healing)
Donna Eden & Jeffrey Allen (Energy Healing)
Katie Wong (Reiki I & II)
Nicky Knoff (Knoff Yoga & Chair Yoga)
Simon Borg Olivier (Synergy Yoga), and
Loraine Rushton (Children’s and Teen Yoga Therapy).
Member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists