A Soulful Sanctuary


Cross my heart 🧡

Taking REAL care of yourself is the key to feeling how you want to feel and being the happy, content and relaxed person you want to be.

Real self-care asks you to make choices around daily actions and routines that support, nourish and inspire you in meaningful and sustainable ways.

When I began my self-care practice 20 years ago, I had no idea it would bring so much personal growth and transformation. It gave me an amazing source of support that helped me through so many of life’s curveballs. It also helped me address some long held stories and beliefs that were playing out in my life which I knew, deep down, were not serving me.

Keeping up appearances even though I felt tired and overwhelmed

My mind working overtime to make sure I had everything ‘under control’

Not speaking up for fear of rocking the boat

Staying in ‘doing’ mode because I thought resting was lazy or unproductive

Doubting my worth and not trusting my abilities

I must admit my self-care routine was very erratic at the start. It only happened when I had the time or the inclination, and often I wasn’t sure what to do. Finding a quiet spot in amongst the noise and chaos of a busy household and work commitments was huge a challenge too!

But something kept calling me back. 

I was curious as to why the practice took the edge off daily life.  There was something special about this time I offered me as my self-care. 

It helped me connect with parts of me that craved attention.

It helped me find an equilibrium and peace when things felt out of control. 

It gave me a source of energy and nourishment when I felt depleted and tired.

It offered me a reprieve from the clamour and noise of life.

So over the years I experimented, explored and played with so many different self-care practices, ideas, routines, and rituals as I figured out what worked and what didn’t. I tried all sorts of different locations for my self-care, and trialled so different ways of practicing while wrangling children, teenagers, pets, tradies, neighbours and nosey loved ones 😆

After years of practice, I have now developed a self-care routine that serves me beautifully. I have my favourite ‘go-to’ practices for all my different needs, and have developed really effective ‘hacks’ when the daily routine goes pear-shaped.

Self-care has become my life’s passion and I know, in my heart of hearts, that it holds the key to the peace and stability that is needed in this wired and tired world.

Are you ready to begin your self-care journey?

I know there is so much conflicting advice out there on what self-care is, what it looks like, what to do, and how to do it that it can become overwhelming to know where to start and what to do!

So that is why I have *just* launched my Awaken Your Radiance: An Empowered Self Care & Healing Journey program so you can personally access my knowledge and experience to get you moving with a meaningful, sustainable and do-able self-care routine so you can experience more joy, ease and flow in your every day life.

Take my hand, my friend. Let’s go!


Surrendered + Empowered


5 Life Changing Lessons from My Self-Care Practice