Your Smallness is Your Power
“May I be the tiniest nail in the house of the Universe, tiny but useful”
I am back in Melbourne feeling full and fresh after my time with the mountains and rivers of the Victorian high country over the summer holiday season.
My time in these natural settings has roused a deep yearning for meaningful connection with our beautiful Earth - she is so wise, supportive and generous, and dearly wishes for us to cultivate a kinship with her so we may remember our deepest truths and move through this world with forgiveness, compassion and humility.
Often I feel overwhelmed when I see all the ecological and personal healing that is needed in this world, and wonder how anything I do could ever make a difference.
However I recently stumbled across the work of an inspiring Canadian ecological intuitive and philosopher, Asia Suler, who speaks about the ‘blessings of being small’. She says our society is hyper-focussed on the notion that ‘big is better’, such as owning a big house, lots of money, having a large social media following, or needing big ambitions to prove our worth.
When we look at the state of our planet, it really feels as though we need to focus on big, grand plans to bring about the change that is needed. But what if the most potent power lay in the small actions we take everyday? What if ecological and personal healing is sparked when we begin to let go of doing more, expecting more, or pushing more? What if the realising of future generation’s hopes and dreams is dependent upon the way we attend to our individual selves in the here and now?
Asia beautifully says ‘… the next step in humanity’s evolution is not to grow larger, but to reclaim the transformational power of the small.’ For me, this small step is found in the simple and sacred acts of the everyday - a mindful breath, a languid stretch, the feel of a softening body, the gentle stir of tea, the touch of soft earth beneath my feet.
Our home practice is a small but a powerful and revolutionary act.
It allows us to see our specialness and the precious gifts we hold.
It helps us reclaim our potential in our uniqueness.
It shows us the power we hold in our smallness.
It gives us the encouragement to do what we can, with what we have.
And you hold the power to transform our society’s and planet’s future through the simple, sacred and potent act of holding yourself in love and presence through your home practice each day.
Simple. Sacred. Everyday.
Are you with me, my quiet revolutionary?
Let’s begin 🧡
Finding Your Calm:
The Ultimate Home Practice Bundle
Gift yourself, or a loved one, this inspiring and practical suite of resources to help you get your yoga-inspired home practice off the ground and into your everyday!
The 'Finding Your Calm: Home Practice Bundle' includes all the support, motivation and inspiration you need to begin a regular yoga-inspired home practice, as well as everything you need to know to make your practice stick!
The Bundle includes:
🍃 Lifetime access to the 7 Day online course, 'Simple + Sacred: The Essential Qualities of a Joyful Home Practice'.
🍃 Access to the Online Home Practice video library for 30 days (the 30 days starts when you choose).
🍃 A personal 30 minute Zoom, in-person or phone call session with Sharon to help you tailor your practice to your needs, and get you excited, inspired and ready to go.
🍃 A 'Home Practice Inspiration Box'